George Sarantou
For Toledo City Council at Large
About George
George Sarantou is a graduate of DeVilbiss High School, Ohio State University, and a lifelong resident of Lucas County. George has spent much of his career in public service, including 12 yrs on Toledo City Council, over 3 yrs as Toledo’s Director of Finance, and 3 yrs as a Court Administrator with the Lucas County Probate Court.
For the past 39 yrs, George has worked as a professional financial advisor in the Toledo area. In addition, he has served as a Reading Mentor in the Toledo Public Schools for the past 16 yrs, as well as a Commissioner on the Ohio Broadcast Education Commission for the past 7 yrs. Previously, George served as the President of the Frederick Douglas Community Association and President of the Neighborhood Health Association.
George and his wife Barbara have been married for 39 yrs and have raised 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren in the Toledo community.

This postcard has been sent to all likely primary voters throughout the City of Toledo.
I have several reasons for seeking a seat on city council, most importantly, is to promote more accountability and transparency in Toledo government.
– George Sarantou
Endorsed by

NW Ohio Building Trades Council

Teamsters Local 20

United Auto Workers Toledo Region

AFSCME Ohio Council 8

Insulators Local 45

Toledo Federation of Teachers

AFL-CIO Northwest Ohio

Toledo Police Command Officers

Sheet Metal Workers Local 33

Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 50

IBEW Local 8 Electricians

Carpenters Local 351

Iron Workers Local 55

Laborers' Local 500

UFCW Local 75
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